My life is average part 3
Förlåt, jag kan bara inte sluta!!!!! hahahaha
Här med öppnar jag en ny kategori: My life is average xD
Today , for my chemistry test, I wore a periodic tables shirt just for laughs. As I walked into my class, my teacher looks at me and as soon as he opens his mouth , I responded "If you tell me to take it off, it's sexual harassment. MLIA
Today I was helping my parents put the groceries away when my mom started laughing hysterically. I asked what was funny, and she showed me the ingredients on the bag of breaded chicken breast she bought. The first ingredient: Chicken (may contain eggs.)" We stood there laughing for ten minutes. My dad didn't get it. MLIA.
Today, I was at school wearing my harry potter t-shirt. Then these girls who love twilight and wore the new moon t-shirt came up to me and gave me a dirty look. When they walked away, one of them stopped short came up to me and lifted up her bangs showing a Harry Potter scar underneath. She gave me a high five and said," Im trying to take twilight down undercover." Then she went back to her "friends". This is for you undercover Harry Potter fan. This is for you. MLIA
Today, while in the bathroom at school I noticed that someone had written "Go Class of 2013!!" on one of the stalls. Under that someone else had written "Too bad the world ends in 2012." Suckers. MLIA.
Nu förstår jag varför alla sitter ock skrattar under matte lektionen hahaha... Erkänn det är OOOTROLIGT roligt!!! xD
Här med öppnar jag en ny kategori: My life is average xD
Today , for my chemistry test, I wore a periodic tables shirt just for laughs. As I walked into my class, my teacher looks at me and as soon as he opens his mouth , I responded "If you tell me to take it off, it's sexual harassment. MLIA
Today I was helping my parents put the groceries away when my mom started laughing hysterically. I asked what was funny, and she showed me the ingredients on the bag of breaded chicken breast she bought. The first ingredient: Chicken (may contain eggs.)" We stood there laughing for ten minutes. My dad didn't get it. MLIA.
Today, I was at school wearing my harry potter t-shirt. Then these girls who love twilight and wore the new moon t-shirt came up to me and gave me a dirty look. When they walked away, one of them stopped short came up to me and lifted up her bangs showing a Harry Potter scar underneath. She gave me a high five and said," Im trying to take twilight down undercover." Then she went back to her "friends". This is for you undercover Harry Potter fan. This is for you. MLIA
Today, while in the bathroom at school I noticed that someone had written "Go Class of 2013!!" on one of the stalls. Under that someone else had written "Too bad the world ends in 2012." Suckers. MLIA.
Nu förstår jag varför alla sitter ock skrattar under matte lektionen hahaha... Erkänn det är OOOTROLIGT roligt!!! xD

My life is average part 2
Det finns så himla mycket random stuff du kan hitta där haha, som tex:
I read a story about someone discovering that googlegooglegooglegoogle.com comes up with four different browsers on one page, each running independently, so I decided to check it out for myself. When it turned out to be true, I made my dad and my brother look it up as well. Not happy with having four browsers on the one page, my dad asked what would happen if we typed in googlegooglegooglegoogle.com into one of the mini browsers. The answer? Four MORE independent mini mini browsers come up within the mini browser within the page. Testing the limits of google reality, here I come. MLIA
-- Bara för att jag är såå nyfiken så var jag tvungen att testa hur långt det gick, efter 64 går det inte att söka längre (försökte uppe i vänstra hörnet)

Någon annan hade testat Google vs.Yahoo! Search genom att skriva "Pizza is" och se vad för allternativ kom upp, I yahoo! kom det upp "Pizza is good", testa själva och se vad som kommer upp i google hahaha... som sagt... RANDOM!! (google vann btw xD)
This made my day hahaha xD

my life is average
hahaha, ni måste gå in på mylifeisaverage.com, sååå himla kul!! Samma sak som tjuvlyssna.se fast på engelska!
två av mina favoriter:
Today, I thought I was walking alone on a street so I sang along my iPod. A stranger appeared next to me, acting as if he was playing the guitar. We continued for a good minute until we turned to separate directions as if nothing happened. MLIA
Today, my friends and I decided to try number 45 of 333 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Wal Mart. All 4 of us piled into a tent and asked people walking by to join us. We got 17 people in that tent. 3 of them were Wal Mart employees. MLIA
två av mina favoriter:
Today, I thought I was walking alone on a street so I sang along my iPod. A stranger appeared next to me, acting as if he was playing the guitar. We continued for a good minute until we turned to separate directions as if nothing happened. MLIA
Today, my friends and I decided to try number 45 of 333 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Wal Mart. All 4 of us piled into a tent and asked people walking by to join us. We got 17 people in that tent. 3 of them were Wal Mart employees. MLIA